PI: (Co-PI: Dr. Baike Xi): Estimating uncertainties of CERES CM Ed4 and SNPP-VIIRS Ed1/2 cloud properties using long-term ARM ground-based observations and AMFs and aircraft data during IOPs. NASA CERES project, 2/5/2018-12/4/2021.
PI (Lead PI: Dr. Peter Pilewskie, CU): Libera, The NASA Mission project: Earth Venture-1 (EVC-1). During the period 2020-2031.
PI (Lead PI: Dr. Po-Lun Ma, DOE PNNL): Enabling Aerosol-Cloud Interactions at Global-Convection Permitting Scales. DOE E3SM, 9/1/2019-8/31/2022.
PI (Co-PIs: Drs. Wang and Logan): Evaluating the Influences of Aerosols on Low-level Cloud-precipitation Properties over Land and Ocean using Ground-based Observations and WRF Simulations. 9/2017-9/2021. NSF.
PI (Co-PI: Drs. Yuan Wang and Tim Logan): Collaborative Research: Contrasting the Effects of Aerosols on MBL Cloud-precipitation Properties and Processes in Boreal and Austral Mid-latitude Regions. NSF, 10/1/2020-9/30/2023.
PI: Optically-thin cirrus cloud detection using the GOES-16 ABI. From 9/1/2020 to 7/31/2021, NRL.
PI (Lead PI: Jiwen Fan, DOE PNNL): Use of Remote Sensing and In-situ Observations to Develop and Evaluate Improved Representations of Convection and Clouds for the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy. 1/2017-1/2021. DOE CMDV.
PI (for Ms. Yiyi Huang): Understanding impacts of cloud-radiation feedback on Arctic sea ice changes through an integrative analysis: NASA satellite observations, reanalysis and modeling. NASA NESSF18, 9/2018-8/2020, $90K.
PI: (Co-PI: Dr. Baike Xi): Validation of CERES Cloud Properties using ARM Ground-based Observations and Retrievals. NASA CERES project, $2,716K, 01/2003-12/2018.
Co-PI: (PI: Dr. Zhibo Zhang, UMBC, Co-PI, Dr. Steve Ghan, DOE PNNL): Evaluation of NCAR CAM5 simulated MBL cloud properties using a combination of satellite and surface observations. DOE CESM, a total of $876K (UA portion of $201K), 08/15/2015-08/14/2019.
PI: Building connections between Arctic sea ice variability and winter weather/climate in mid-latitudes through NASA satellite observations and reanalysis. NASA, 5/31/2018-1/15/2019, $40K.
PI (For Ms Erica Dolinar): Examining the relationship between cloud profiles and radiative effects from NASA A-Train observations and global climate models. $90K from 09/2014-08/2018, NASA graduate student fellowship.
PI (Co-I: Drs. Kennedy and Gilmore): Improvement of Convective/Severe Weather Prediction through an Integrative Analysis of WRF Simulations and NEXRAD/GOES Observations over the CONUS. NOAA R2O project, $492K from May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2018
PI: Diagnosing and quantifying uncertainties of the reanalyzed clouds, precipitation and radiation budgets over the Arctic and SGP using combined surface-satellite observations. NOAA MAPP, $361K, 09/01/2013-08/31/2017.
PI: Investigation of the relationships between DCS cloud properties, lifecycle, and precipitation with meteorological regimes and aerosol sources at the ARM SGP Site. DOE ASR project, $364K, 09/01/2012-08/31/2016.
PI: (Co-I: Dr. Xi and Poellot) Evaluation of NASA GISS ModelE AR5 Simulated Global Cloud fraction and Radiation Budgets Using the MODIS-CERES Observations and MERRA Reanalysis. NASA EPSCoR, $1,125K ($750K for NASA, $375K matched from UND, 10/2011-09/2015).
PI: (Co-I: Dr. Zhanqing Li, UMD): Improving GOES-R Precipitation Product Associated with Deep Convective Systems by using NEXRAD Radar Network over the Continental U.S. NOAA, GOES-R $570K, 08/2011-08/2015
PI: (Co-PI: Dr. Baike Xi). Improvement of CERES Science Team cloud retrieval algorithms using both ground-based and space-based radar-lidar observations over Polar regions. NASA, $124K, 05/2009-05/2012.
PI: (Co-PI, Dr. Xi): Contribution to the development of DOE ARM Climate Best Estimate Data (CMBE) products: Satellite data over the ARM NSA, TWP and SGP sites. DOE ARM, $123K, 04/2010-04/2012.
PI: (Co-Is: Drs. Del Genio, Minnis, and Xi) A study of Arctic radiation budget using CERES/MODIS Satellite and ARM surface observations and NASA GISS model. NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study (NEWS), $566K, 10/2007-09/2011.
PI: Collaborative Research (with Dr. Garrett): Evaluation of Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Process and Feedbacks in the Alaskan Arctic, NSF, UND portion $100K, 06/2007-06/2011.
PI (Co-PI, Dr. Xi): Evaluation of NASA GISS climate model simulated convective clouds using both DOE surface and NASA satellite observations. North Dakota EPSCOR, $60K, 05/2009-05/2010.
PI: (Co-Is: Drs. Del Genio, Minnis, and Xi) Comparison of cloud fraction and microphysical properties between GISS SCM, NASA MODIS, and DOE ARM SGP data, NASA Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (MAP) Program, $565K, 12/2005-12/2009.
PI: Validation of GOES-8 Cloud Properties Using DOE ARM SGP Ground based Measurements. DOE ARM program (subcontract from NASA LaRC), $110K, 05/2004-05/2008.
PI: A study of Asia Dust Events using NASA MODIS, EAST AIRE, and DC-8 in situ measurements During the INTEX-B field experiment. UND NSERC fellowship, $62K, 03/2006-05/2008.
PI: Evaluation of climate model simulations using surface-satellite observations. North Dakota EPSCoR program, $20K, 01/2007-07/2007.
Co-PI: (PI: Dr. Will Gosnold at UND): A Test of Borehole Paleoclimatology as a method to quantify radiative climate forcing. NSF, $389K, 08/2003-08/2007.
Co-PI (PI: Dr. Tim Garrett at University of Utah): Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions in the Arctic. NSF, $339K, 03/2003-03/2007, and $55K subcontract to UND.
PI: UND ground-based remote sensing site to study clouds and radiation. UND ORPD, $40K, 2003-04. PI: Using ground-based measurements and retrievals to validate satellite data. NASA CERES project, $201K, 1999-2002 at University of Utah.
Co-PI (PI: Dr. G. Mace): Supplement support to Investigation of Coupling Between the Large scale Atmospheric State & Cloud Properties, DOE ARM program, $109K, 1999-2002 at Uni. of Utah.
Co-PI (PI: Dr. Minnis): Development of Improved Techniques for Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and Radiation Using ARM Data, DOE ARM program, $510K, 1999-2002.